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Very Important - Orientation

There's an old saying here in Thailand. "You'll never meet a guy that has been to Thailand that has only been once".


Yada and I

To a great extent, Southeast Asia is like another planet for those from the West. 

Moving to the other side of the world can be very unnerving especially if you've never been to Southeast Asia before. That being said you will definitely have a huge advantage if you have someone who has actually made the successful transition into retirement here in Southeast Asia and in other countries as your personal "one-on-one" coach as long as you need me.

This orientation needs to begin before you actually arrive here.

For example; if you don't get your "flight right" you will feel like hell for a week after you arrive because your body has not adjusted to the time difference. Like a diver decompressing to prevent the bends, there is a definite process involved when traveling to the other side of the planet. This process works like a jewel even for those who say they can't sleep on the plane.

First a little history...

20 years ago I had a successful Real Estate practice in Yucatan Mexico and fully intended on retiring there. I had my entire retirement infrastructure setup, including "permanent residency status" with Mexican immigration.

During that period of time, I ended up coming on a holiday to Phuket, Thailand on a friend's recommendation. That trip back in 2008 changed my life.

For me, Thailand was love at first sight. A paradise for single guys with a retirement proposition that checked all the boxes and then some.

✓ Affordable cost of living
✓ Year-round warm weather - 85 degrees
✓ A city directly on the ocean
✓ No need for a car
✓ A safe - well-policed environment
✓ First-world infrastructure
✓ Excellent AFFORDABLE healthcare facilities
✓ Great internet,
✓ An ocean of beautiful young women
✓ Like-minded community friends in my socioeconomic group.

In fact, I have not had such a great group of male friends since high school.

Once I course-corrected my retirement game plan I continued to visit Thailand staying seasonally from 2009 to 2017. Each year I did road trips to various destinations in Thailand to select the "perfect fit" for my desired lifestyle.

To make a long story short, I arrived in Pattaya in the first week of January 2018 with my two suitcases and stayed in a third-floor walkup apartment above a strip club off the walking street in Pattaya.



I had no long-term living arrangements but was extremely lucky in that I had connected with a guy called Kevin Burt who had a YouTube channel called "Kev in Thailand" who agreed to show me around when I arrived.

He spent a few days helping me find an apartment, establishing my infrastructure, and most importantly serious discussions on the do's and don'ts here in the "land of smiles".

This little orientation, although very informal, saved me a massive amount of time, money, and frustration by avoiding hundreds of potential mistakes.

I was amazed and you will be as well!!


This is why I am providing a 3-day orientation with the sale of my condo so that you are not making this journey by yourself.

It is time well spent.

I will provide you with a "loaner "cell phone so we can contact each other easily.

You will have the number before you arrive in Thailand so you can leave the number with whoever may need it back in the States. Don't forget to tell them you are 12 hours ahead.

The orientation will cut your learning curve by 80%. Guaranteed!!!

YouTube videos, although entertaining, in "no way" provide the unvarnished reality of living in South East Asia. Specifically Pattaya, Thailand.

Everything is completely different here.

The language, culture, values, banking system, legal system, immigration system, the velocity of money, and perhaps most importantly the street smarts ESSENTIAL to the enjoyment of your retirement without getting eaten alive.

It is critical to remember that you are leaving a life, of 45 years plus, of structured days and transitioning into a situation where you, statistically, have more money than you have ever had in your life while at the same time having nothing to do all day. This lack of structure and 24/7 temptation can be very dangerous to the long-term enjoyment of your retirement.

All that free time can become very self-destructive or depressing in the absence of a sensible lifestyle which includes moderation of vices and getting back into shape physically. Caffeine and nicotine do not equal protein. A gym membership is the best, cheapest form of health insurance you can buy.

I've witnessed "self-sabotage" a million times since I've been living here full-time, especially in matters of the heart. Including numerous hazards like that beautiful, young Thai girlfriend who has her master's degree in “the quantum physics of your debit card". Intellectually men understand the dangers of a women's effect on their finances but emotionally they don't.

In other words when you meet beautiful young women (and here in Pattaya, it is impossible not to), who has the look you like, is affectionate, fun to be with, and great in bed, you are going to fall in love with her. It's an automatic!!

If you live like a tourist, or as the Expat community refers to them, as "2-week millionaires", then you will spend a lot of money.

So who am I to offer such advice on transitioning to Expat retirement? I am the author of 12 books on the subject of retiring to Mexico and have repurposed those "teaching skills" for the Thailand transition.




First and foremost you're in the "perfect place" when you come to Thailand as a single guy looking to retire.

Specifically living in Pattaya as a single man. Its heaven!!!

Say you have hobbies and would like to join a group that, for example, organizes an "open mike night "(amateur musicians) at a local restaurant and there is NO SUCH ANIMAL, then start one!

The talent will come out of the woodwork once word gets out. Spanish group, road trips, and pub crawl you name it. The Expat community has its own network so "word" really travels quickly.


Upon your arrival, you will hit the ground running having absolutely everything you need to start living a happy, simple retirement. Hopefully, we will become friends and I will be a phone call away should the need arise especially during the first 90 days of arrival.

The orientation is a lot of fun and laughter. I am certain you will consider the education, invaluable in hindsight.

Thanks for your interest and best of luck with your happy, simple retirement.

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 A simple, happy, financially secure retirement is guaranteed when you have the
courage to execute a solid well thought out plan - It's that simple !!